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Grasses & Trees

Types of grasses formally include species commonly known as trees. A few of the most prolific grasses in Florida wetland areas are listed below.

Photographs below © University of Florida

Brazilian Pepper Tree

Brazilian Pepper Tree

Non-native to Florida, it can grow over 30 feet tall and is an aggressive invader that will out-compete the native vegetation in the area. This plant should not be spread.  Leaves are bright green, has red berries, a short trunk, and hidden branches.  It is related to poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. It can be found along shores and in woody areas. 



Native to Florida, they often grow to cover large areas of wetlands, lakes, and rivers; reaching 5 to 6 feet tall.



Non-native to Florida. The trees grow into forests and virtually eliminate all other vegetation.  Its bark is whitish, spongy, peeling, and in many layers.  Leaves are 5” long.

Para Grass

Para Grass

Bacopa caroliniana is an emersed plant. This small sprawling herb is common in fresh and brackish waters. At least three species of bacopa are native to Florida and are distributed throughout much of the state.



Non-native to Florida and is one of the most serious weeds. It grows in or near shallow waters where it can quickly displace native vegetation.  It has sharply pointed tips, grows up to 3’ tall, hairy leaf sheaths; leaf blades are stiff, linear, flat or folded; surface often waxy or whitish coating.

Primrose Willow

Primrose Willow

An evergreen shrub, 3’-12’ tall, multi-stemmed with large yellow flowers that grow in areas such as ditches, drainage canals, wet clearings, and marshy shores.  



Also known as common reed, it is a perennial aggressive wetland grass that displaces native animals and chokes out native plants. It is easy to spot by its height and distinct fluffy seed heads.

Giant Cut Grass

Giant Cut Grass

Native to Florida, has flat and wide leaves with a smooth surface and sharp edges. Flowers are large, up to 2 feet long. Stems are thick and up to 10 feet tall. Giant cut grass can be found along the banks of ponds, lakes and rivers.


Salt (Spike) Grass

Salt (Spike) Grass

Native to Florida, it is a medium-tall salt grass found in brackish coastal marshes.