Emergent Plants
Emergent plants are rooted with stiff or firm stems and stand above the water surface, like cattails, but in some cases can be found submerged such as during a high-water event. Lily pads are also emergent plants.
Photographs below © University of Florida
Alligator Weed
Alligator Weed
Leaves are thick, fleshy, and smooth. It lays along the ground and curves upward at or just below the surface of the ground forming thick mats. It is non-native to Florida and should not be spread. It can be found in waste places in ponds, streams, and along some rivers.
Submersed or immersed long leaf stalks. There are 9 different species of arrowhead in North America.
There are 14 different species of bulrush in North America. It is native to Florida.
Cow Lily (Spatterdock)
Cow Lily (Spatterdock)
Native to Florida. It is a large plant whose leaves often float but submersed and emersed leaves are common. They can be found in ponds, lakes, and sluggish streams. Leaves are heart-shaped and usually have wavy margins. The floating leaves are attached to long stout stems.
Native to Florida and is very common and widely recognized. It typically grows 2-3 feet tall. Leaves are large, up to 5” wide, and are twice as long. It can be found in marshes, sluggish streams, and ditches in shallow water.
Spotted Water Hemlock
Spotted Water Hemlock
Native to Florida and is very toxic to humans. The plant is large and highly branched, growing to 8 feet tall. It can be found in wet meadows, swamps, and shoreline thickets.
Spike Rush
Native to Florida, there are about 2 dozen species here. They can be a floating tangled mat, dense clumps in the mud, or as rooted green spikes. They form in a few feet of water and can cover many acres.
Water Pennywort
Water Pennywort
Native to Florida. They have long, creeping stems that form dense mats. The leaves are circular, shiny, and leathery. Leaf stalks attach to the center of the leaf and look like little umbrellas. Water pennywort can be found in and near ponds, lakes, rivers, and marshes.
Water Lily
Water Lily
Native to Florida, the leaves are floating, oval shaped, and fleshy. Water lily can be found in ponds, lakes, slow streams and ditches.